- Meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Barack Obama)
- Implementing a Universal Health Care Program (Both Clinton and Obama)
Coffee Talk with Mahmoud
Well, why didn't someone think of this earlier? Apparently, world peace is as simple as buying your enemy a non-fat toffee nut latte. Let's not drop bombs on terrorists, let's just drop bags of 100% Arabica beans and invite ourselves into their spiderholes for a nice heart-to-heart. If only it were as easy as starting up a dialogue with these people. They say Barack lacks experience but, yeesh, even my chihuahua knows that you cant negotiate with crazy people. Ahmadinejad is a mouthpiece for terrorism, plain and simple. He's an evil, evil man and if you aren't sure about that, just google the guy and read about some of the things he says and does. He puts homosexuals to death simply for their orientations. He says the Holocaust never happened. He calls for the complete annihilation of Israel - that's calling for the deaths of 7,282,000 men, women and children. Weapons that he has provided to insurgents are being employed to kill our soldiers in Iraq as I write this. An agreement or promise made by this man is worthless.
History Lesson
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried for 3 years to appease Adolf Hitler. When Hitler broke the Munich Agreement in 1939, Chamberlain realized that the promises of a madman are worth nothing. Meanwhile, about 4 million Jews had already been murdered. It took a couple of years and some serious firepower to stop Hitler, not a couple of
meetings at the local Der Kaffe Haus.
Love Spending Time at the DMV? Try Universal Health Care!
Everyone knows that the government is very efficient and all government employees are quite friendly and happy. Just take a trip to your nearest post office. Why, it's a utopia. It's so clean, there are no lines, the employees are delightful, it's very very efficient and the prices are reasonable. Oh wait. Seriously people -do you want to turn your doctors office into the post office? Or worse, the DMV?
And then there's the whole issue of PAYING for everyone's "free" health care. That cost is monumental. I feel as bad as the next guy about kids that have no insurance but I certainly don't feel that it's my responsibility to pay for it. If you cant afford to insure your kids - don't have any! Not only that, but I suspect that there are quite a few Americans whose uninsured kids eat dinner in front of a 50 inch plasma tv.
History Lesson
Canada is just one of many countries with failing socialized medical programs. People in dire need of treatments and surgeries are waiting MONTHS for care. There are a growing number of instances in which patients are dying waiting for routine surgeries such as appendectomies. Some simple economics here - when the price of a good or service (prescriptions and medical care) drops to zero, the demand increases far beyond the supply. The Canadian health system has become unable to provide medication and services to all those seeking them. Canadians are actually coming to the United States to purchase medications that they cannot receive in Canada.
Oh, and Canada's free health care is turning out to be pretty un-free. A Canadian individual pays approx. $1,100 a year in taxes JUST for the government health care. That does not include other taxes. And note that that total is for an individual, so a family of four pays taxes in excess of $4,500! Just for the "free" health care!
Health care aside, history has taught us that the more power a nation gives to it's government, the less power belongs to the people and the more bloated and corrupt that government becomes. (Absolute power corrupts absolutely - Do the words Paris Hilton come to mind?) And governments aren't prone to just relinquishing control of things and giving them back to the people. Even the government of the greatest nation on earth.