Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It's no secret that personal responsibility and accountability in America have gone out the window. We live in a world where you can blame a tobacco company for giving you lung cancer after you've smoked all your life. Where you can sue McDonalds for making you fat. Where you can run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and just file for bankruptcy.

Why should we be surprised when companies like Wells Fargo and Citigroup who are accepting bailout money turn around and spend millions on things like private jets and lavish employee trips? It's just par for the course.

And why should these companies ever worry about being held accountable? The very people who should be going after this irresponsible behavior are busy engaging in crooked behavior of their own. Congress is rife with corruption on both sides of the aisle. Our leaders are engaging in activities such as allowing the housing market to implode while getting sweetheart mortgage deals (Chris Dodd, Kent Conrad, Alphonso Jackson) Like committing tax fraud (Charlie Rangel, Al Franken). Like getting kickbacks (Ted Stevens).

Want to start turning this country around? Take your leaders to task. Get mad and give these dickheads a call. Write a letter. Most importantly: DONT ELECT CROOKS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

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