Friday, February 6, 2009

Geitner and Killifer and Daschle, Oh My!

With all this buzz about the tax woes of several of Obama's cabinet picks, I keep hearing from the media about "how questions have been raised about Obama's vetting process". The truth is that Obama learned of these candidates' tax issues during the vetting and still went on to select them. It was not until the American people learned of these closet-skeletons that the furor began and Killifer and Daschle stepped down. Geitner was actually confirmed and is our new Treasury Secretary, ironically overseeing the IRS.

In a recent interview with Chris Wallace, Obama said:

"I consider this a mistake on my part, one that I intend to fix and correct and make sure that we're not screwing up again," Obama said.

"We can't send a message to the American people that we've got two sets of rules -- one for prominent people and one for ordinary people," Obama said, defending his administration's standards.

"So this is a mistake -- probably not the first one I'm going to be making in this office, but what I'm absolutely committed to doing is fixing it," he said.

Great. He wants to fix why isnt Geitner gone? Hmm? Oh, then listen to this:

Obama denied influencing Daschle's decision to withdraw, which caught a number of senators by surprise Tuesday. Though Daschle caught flak for revelations that he had failed to pay more than $130,000 in taxes, the former Senate majority leader has strong personal ties on Capitol Hill, and several Democrats said they thought he still could have won confirmation.

Obama said the decision was Daschle's.

This is just another great example of Obama's PR saavy. He says that he made a mistake and that he is going to do everything he can to fix it, that there shouldnt be two sets of rules, but then he does nothing. Killifer chose to withdraw, Daschle chose to withdraw. Geitner was confirmed and is not being removed from his position anytime soon.

Should we have HOPE that Obama will soon stop surrounding himself with unethical people?

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