Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cap and Trade

So I went to the gas station to fuel up and I notice all of these posters on the pumps about Cap and Trade. They say if Cap and Trade passes, the price of gas will go up 77 cents a gallon. That's around $12 more each fill-up for me. Naturally, I'm pissed. I've heard the rhetoric from Obama that Cap and Trade will cost no more than a postage stamp for American families each year. The Heritage Foundation has calculated the actual cost at about $1,870 per family of four. (That's all energy costs - not just gas costs.)

Then I go home and get the mail and find a flyer from my Rep. Ralph Hall. In it, he discusses why he voted against Cap and Trade:

"The Waxman-Markey bill (Cap and Trade) mandates that by 2050 Carbon Dioxide levels in the US by reduced by 83% below 2005 levels. These emissions levels are comparable to those of 1907 when the primary mode of transportation was horse-back.

According to Chip Knappenberger of the World Climate Report, this cap on carbon emissions would do little for the environment. Knappenberger reported that the temperature increases would be lowered merely hundredths of a single degree Fahrenheit over the next 40 years."

Thanks Congress. When people are losing their jobs en masse, businesses are tanking, families are struggling, you jokers want to increase our energy costs??!?! I think the question here is are you working for us or against us???

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