Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A New Objective

All the pundits are going to tell you that it was a good fight, that we need to focus our efforts on 2012, on shaping the future of the Republican party. I say that all those plans are well and good but in the here and now, I plan on giving the Libs a big spoonful of their own medicine.

You see, for 8 years the Dems have bitched and moaned about George Bush, calling him a war-monger, a fascist, a moron. They hung on every single word, every single action, criticizing his every decision. And I say, it's time to turn the tables. It's time to get nasty. When Obama becomes president, we'll have plenty to bitch about. Bitch loud and proud. Bitch from the mountain tops. Whenever you hear an Obama voter complain about anything, taxes, gas prices, whatever, you call them on it. Periodically ask them when Obama's miraculous "Change" and "Hope" are going to happen. Ask them when the manna is supposed to fall from heaven.

For those of you who choose to take the high road, I commend you. For all those who are bitter about the direction that America has taken, take my advice. Be as vocal and obnoxious as Bush-haters have been for the last 8 years. Payback is a bitch.

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