Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pelosi: Stimulus Could Be Several Hundred Billion Dollars
MarketWatch Pulse WASHINGTON - Congress may need to consider an economic stimulus plan of several hundred billion dollars, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Sunday. "Economists tell us we need something in the several-hundred-billion-dollar category," Pelosi said on CBS's "Face the Nation." But, she said, she and other lawmakers must balance any stimulus plan with fiscal responsibility. Any plan must both contain a tax cut and create jobs, she said.
Hmm. So a bail-out package of $800 billion dollars plus a "several hundred billion dollar stimulus"? And people still think Obama's gonna give them a tax cut? Where in the world are all these billions of dollars coming from, folks?
Oh, and since the previous stimulus did nothing for the economy, why dont we try it again and again and again?
Monday, November 17, 2008
2nd Amendment Refresher
The 2nd Amendment is not about having a gun to shoot a robber who breaks into your house. (That's just a bonus.) The 2nd Amendment provides Americans with the ability to defend part of an organized order to overthrow a corrupt government.
Guns give you the ability to take back your country from oppressors.
That's why this was put into the constitution. It's yet another check that the framers included to allow Americans to always have the power to keep this country on the right track...and to prevent any one person or group to have too much power over the people.
It's called Government 101. Respect the Constitution or go live in effing Canada.
Charlton Heston? Not in the Obama Administration.
Although it’s not clear that gun ownership would disqualify a job applicant, ISRA says question 59 shows the Obama team’s “distaste” for firearm owners.
"Question 59 provides clear insight into how Obama and his people perceive firearm owners," said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. “The questionnaire poses a number of questions asking the applicant to reveal any unethical activities, or embarrassing Internet chats, then wraps up by asking if anyone in the applicant's family owns a firearm. Obviously, Obama feels that owning a firearm is akin to talking dirty in Internet chat rooms.” Pearson says the attitude is not surprising, given that Obama – as an Illinois State senator -- voted for SB1195, which included a provision calling for gun owners to be registered in the same manner as sex offenders. "Once again, we have to ask ourselves just what candidate Obama was talking about when he said he has 'respect' for the 2nd Amendment," said Pearson.
Click here to read the rest of the article.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story
Get them "Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story" on dvd.
From NBC: "This commemorative DVD takes you through the story of Barack Obama's life - his campaign to win his party's nomination, his campaign for the presidency, and finally his victorious history-making win. DVD extras include footage of the full inspiring speeches which were the most pivotal and memorable ones of his 2-year campaign."
Shoppers who bought this dvd also purchased "Bill Ayers: Retrospective of an American Hero" and "Osama Bin Laden: Friend or Foe?"
Editors Note: Isn't the term "victorious win" a little redundant?
The World Officially Goes Effing Crazy
DETROIT — President-elect Barack Obama is larger than life these days. Except, that is, at the University of Michigan, where he has become remarkably small.
A team of researchers has created carbon nanotube images of Obama whose details can only be seen with optical and electron microscopes.
"I really didn't mean it in a political way," said John Hart, assistant professor in mechanical engineering and leader of the research team at Michigan. "It was really for fun. It was a basic demonstration of what we can do with nanotubes."
Hart said he hopes the interest in "nanobama" gives the public a better understanding of nanotechnology research and its applications.
Each of the millions of hollow carbon cylinders that make up the incoming president's image is tens of thousands times smaller than a human hair, but stronger than steel.
Click here to read complete article.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Not the end of the world...yet.
However, this election is a portent of sinister things to come...and before you dismiss me as being another dramatic conservative, give my point some consideration.
I do not fear an Obama presidency. I fear the American voter.
I fear a voter who chooses socialism over capitalism.
I fear a voter who wants the government to take care of him.
I fear a voter who overlooks a candidate's terror ties, racist ties, radical socialist ties.
I fear a voter who gets his opinions from a celebrity.
I fear a voter who votes based on trends.
I fear a voter who thinks his candidate is infallible.
I fear a voter who votes based on skin color or gender.
I fear a voter who votes based on eloquent speeches.
I fear a voter who thinks their candidate is sexier than his opponent.
I fear a voter who does no research and asks no questions.
With voters like these, I fear what America could become. This is just the first step of ignorance down a path that could lead the the downfall of America. The more people need the government to take care of them, the more dependent they are on that government and the easier they are to control. It's been seen many many times throughout history and each time with disastrous consequences. If you doubt me, read a little bit about Germany in the 30s and keep this in mind, Adolf Hitler was elected.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lesson 1: Obama is not Jesus. Jesus is not Obama.
Please let that information sink in. I know that it is stunning. Despite the last 9 months of evidence indicating that Barack is the messiah - media reports, eyewitness testimony, one-on-one interviews - it has been determined that he, in fact, is not Jesus Christ.
Once again, in case you are still having trouble:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A New Objective
You see, for 8 years the Dems have bitched and moaned about George Bush, calling him a war-monger, a fascist, a moron. They hung on every single word, every single action, criticizing his every decision. And I say, it's time to turn the tables. It's time to get nasty. When Obama becomes president, we'll have plenty to bitch about. Bitch loud and proud. Bitch from the mountain tops. Whenever you hear an Obama voter complain about anything, taxes, gas prices, whatever, you call them on it. Periodically ask them when Obama's miraculous "Change" and "Hope" are going to happen. Ask them when the manna is supposed to fall from heaven.
For those of you who choose to take the high road, I commend you. For all those who are bitter about the direction that America has taken, take my advice. Be as vocal and obnoxious as Bush-haters have been for the last 8 years. Payback is a bitch.