Friday, September 26, 2008

Your Tax Dollars At Work...

I just saw an ad saying "Obama, McCain, What are you going to do about world poverty and child welfare? What are you going to do about the global AIDS epidemic?" I am so sick of the US government giving international handouts. If bleeding hearts want to spend every penny they earn on buying condoms for people in 3rd world countries, that's wonderful. But it sure isnt up to the United States government to spend taxpayers money on charity outside of this country. A recent study stated that American citizens are the most generous people in any country in the world. I encourage people to donate time and money to charitable causes that they believe in, both in the United States and other nations. But I loathe the idea of the government taking my hard-earned money and spending it on providing population control (abortion aid) in Mexico City.

The government is getting too damn spendy with our money and it's got to stop! If the IRS wants to add another page to my tax forms asking me if I want to donate $1 of my refund to a laundry list of charities, that's fine. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit around letting the liberals spend my tax dollars on Mexican "population control"!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why the United Nations is around.