Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama in 08 - Osama in 09

With all this talk about Iran testing missiles, about Russia threatening a "military response" if our defense agreement with the Czech Republic is ratified, with terrorists running rampant around the world, are you thanking your lucky stars that we live in a nation with the most powerful and sophisticated military? That we have elite personnel and superior technologies to employ in dire situations (such as a nuclear attack) to ensure our safety? Well, we wont feel safe and sound for long, if Barack Obama gets his way. At one of the most dangerous times in our history, as madrassas are churning out hundreds and hundreds of suicidal madmen whose only mission is to murder infidels (that's you and me, ladies and gentleman), Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama is planning to enfeeble our military and cripple our national security! Doubt me? Have a listen straight from the horses mouth!

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