Monday, July 7, 2008

1,215 Servicemembers Re-enlist in Iraq

From News -
"Servicemembers from all over Iraq gathered in the Al Faw Palace rotunda at Camp Victory, Baghdad, to reenlist and celebrate Independence Day. All 1,215 servicemembers celebrated by raising their right hands and pledging to continue defending the "land of the free" in what is the largest reenlistment ceremony since the all-volunteer force began in 1973 according to Command Sgt. Maj. Marvin L. Hill, command sergeant major, Multi-National Forces - Iraq."

See the awesome video below:

I want to stress a couple of things here.

First of all, I want to remind America that our military is an all-volunteer military. That all of these servicemen and women first joined the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Army, and the Navy by their own volition, seeking to serve and protect their country and to make a difference in the world. And, by their own choice, are re-enlisting in huge numbers to keep up the fight.

Secondly, I want to point out that if the Iraq war is such a "mistake" then why are these servicemen and women re-joining the mission over there? The answer is that they understand something that Barack Obama and Harry Reid and Jack Murtha don't. They see first-hand the fragility of a newly-founded democracy - not entirely unlike ours 232 years ago. They see the desire of the Iraqi people to live in peace - not under the thumb of a crazed dictator or Al Queda. They see that there is a job to be done. A job that men and women have died for - and they must stay the course until that job is complete. It may take many more years - much more time away from their families and friends, much more time in the killer heat and the danger - to get this new nation on its feet. They know that they are creating peace and bringing hope...and are making a bit of history in the process.

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