Check out the video below and the other videos by Macho Sauce Productions on Youtube.
This guy has so many fantastic points that he wraps up in passionate, often sarcastic, fun videos. We need more stuff like this to show people that the GOP isnt just made up of old white males. That conservative values are just as inspiring, if not more inspiring than all that Hope and Change socialist crap that the Dems are spoonfeeding.
Friday, January 30, 2009
New RNC Chairman: Michael Steele
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Republican Hero of the Day: Congressman John Carter

Our forebearers created this system of government under the tenet that no man should be above another. No one would be king and have a special set of rules for himself. We are all equal. We are all subject to the same rules and restrictions. No one is above the law, from the President on down to the lowliest street urchin.
Thanks to John Carter for reminding our leaders of this fact.
Fight the Good Fight!
Republican Renaissance?
Perhaps. After several months of being pissed off about how spineless Republicans have been in the face of Obamaland socialism, I've gotten a small reprieve from my rage.
1) House Passes $819 Billion Stimulus (RAGE RAGE RAGE)
Not a single Republican voted for the it. (GO GO GOP!)
While I'd like to credit this common sense thinking to our GOP leaders getting back to their roots, I really think that this vote is just evidence of what a huge stinking pile of crap this stimulus is. Not a single Republican wants to hitch his dingy to this sinking ship. If the stimulus passes, it will only be a matter of time until it is revealed to be a spectacular failure doing nothing to stimulate the economy and the American people will see it for the tax-payer-oppressive piece of pork that it is. America will have only the Democrats to blame.
2) This one is my favorite: "GOP Congressman Intros 'Rangel Rule,' Eliminating IRS Late Fees"
It's getting to be pretty much a daily occurance for me to thank God that I live in Texas. While the rest of this country slowly slips into a cesspool of amorality, personal entitlement, and utter insanity (AL FRANKEN???? SENATOR???? I WAS BORN IN MINNESOTA AND I AM ASHAMED TO SAY IT!), Texas, with our big toiling pump jacks and fiesty longhorns seems to be one of the few places in which the dream of America's founders is still alive and well.
To the point, right. Anyway, I now have another thing about Texas to love: Republican Congressmen John Carter. Give this man a kiss for me. Here's the article:
"Rep. Carter introduced a bill Wednesday to eliminate all IRS penalties and interest for paying taxes past due. The legislation calls for the creation of what he calls the, "Rangel Rule," -- drawing attention to the recent legal issues of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., enabling citizens who fail to pay taxes on time to do so later with no additional fees. Rangel, who writes the country's tax policies, acknowledged last fall that he failed to pay thousands in real estate taxes for rental income he earned from a property in the Dominican Republic. As of September 2008 the Harlem Democrat reportedly paid back more than $10,000 in taxes but that did not include any IRS penalties.
"Your citizens back home should have the same rights and benefits that come to you as a member of congress. You shouldn't be treated any differently under the law than your citizens back home," Carter said. (AMEN!)
He added that citizens should receive the "same courtesy" that the IRS is allegedly granting Rangel and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who also recently acknowledged a failure to pay taxes. Carter penned a letter to Rangel earlier this month requesting that he either pay the IRS fees or join him in co-sponsoring the legislation establishing the rule.
"As Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, I believe you set an example for all American taxpayers in your dealings with the IRS, and that you must do so in a way that enforces blind justice without regard to wealth or status," he wrote in the January 6th missive.
A spokesman for the New York Democrat would not comment on the state of the tax issue, which is currently under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, but did respond to the Carter bill.
"This legislation is unnecessary. All taxpayers currently receive equal treatment under the law," Rangel spokesman Emile Milne said. (SOURCE: FOX NEWS)
Oh really, then why aren't these assholes in jail like I would be if I committed tax fraud?!
1) House Passes $819 Billion Stimulus (RAGE RAGE RAGE)
Not a single Republican voted for the it. (GO GO GOP!)
While I'd like to credit this common sense thinking to our GOP leaders getting back to their roots, I really think that this vote is just evidence of what a huge stinking pile of crap this stimulus is. Not a single Republican wants to hitch his dingy to this sinking ship. If the stimulus passes, it will only be a matter of time until it is revealed to be a spectacular failure doing nothing to stimulate the economy and the American people will see it for the tax-payer-oppressive piece of pork that it is. America will have only the Democrats to blame.
2) This one is my favorite: "GOP Congressman Intros 'Rangel Rule,' Eliminating IRS Late Fees"
It's getting to be pretty much a daily occurance for me to thank God that I live in Texas. While the rest of this country slowly slips into a cesspool of amorality, personal entitlement, and utter insanity (AL FRANKEN???? SENATOR???? I WAS BORN IN MINNESOTA AND I AM ASHAMED TO SAY IT!), Texas, with our big toiling pump jacks and fiesty longhorns seems to be one of the few places in which the dream of America's founders is still alive and well.
To the point, right. Anyway, I now have another thing about Texas to love: Republican Congressmen John Carter. Give this man a kiss for me. Here's the article:
"Rep. Carter introduced a bill Wednesday to eliminate all IRS penalties and interest for paying taxes past due. The legislation calls for the creation of what he calls the, "Rangel Rule," -- drawing attention to the recent legal issues of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., enabling citizens who fail to pay taxes on time to do so later with no additional fees. Rangel, who writes the country's tax policies, acknowledged last fall that he failed to pay thousands in real estate taxes for rental income he earned from a property in the Dominican Republic. As of September 2008 the Harlem Democrat reportedly paid back more than $10,000 in taxes but that did not include any IRS penalties.
"Your citizens back home should have the same rights and benefits that come to you as a member of congress. You shouldn't be treated any differently under the law than your citizens back home," Carter said. (AMEN!)
He added that citizens should receive the "same courtesy" that the IRS is allegedly granting Rangel and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who also recently acknowledged a failure to pay taxes. Carter penned a letter to Rangel earlier this month requesting that he either pay the IRS fees or join him in co-sponsoring the legislation establishing the rule.
"As Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, I believe you set an example for all American taxpayers in your dealings with the IRS, and that you must do so in a way that enforces blind justice without regard to wealth or status," he wrote in the January 6th missive.
A spokesman for the New York Democrat would not comment on the state of the tax issue, which is currently under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, but did respond to the Carter bill.
"This legislation is unnecessary. All taxpayers currently receive equal treatment under the law," Rangel spokesman Emile Milne said. (SOURCE: FOX NEWS)
Oh really, then why aren't these assholes in jail like I would be if I committed tax fraud?!
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